
Thursday, October 28, 2010

So I'm on the corner wearin' my leatha, this dude comes up and he's like hey punk

and I'm like, yeah, whateva

Amazing leather jackets at Di$count

Photo sources: Stockholm Streetstyle and the Sartorialist

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do

This was one of my favorite songs as a kid. When CDs first came out, I'd tag along with my dad and my oldest sister to Wherehouse music as they bought a different Beatles CD on every visit and eventually built the collection. I would listen to the White album and Abbey Road the most. This song made me feel so weird and emotional. Like it still does now.

Rock boys

Rock boys with swagger inspire me

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sign of the times

This made me really want an IPHONE. And ride subways. Genius video. Nice song, too.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Killjoys make some noise

Man, honestly, MCR just never lets me down! Since day one, I was always inspired by Gerard's creativity, Frank's energy, Ray's shredding, Mikey's charisma. But Gerard is definitely a muse to me. I LOVE this freaking video so much: the colors, costumes, shots, editing, everything. Perfection. It gets me really pumped and excited and inspires me so much as an artist/person. Love the song, too! I'm sure there's a lot of haters as there are fans out there, but I don't care what the public thinks. I've been a fan since Bullets and the direction they're going is always just right on cue.

Oh, and what I love most about them is that their videos and concepts are never gory. It gets really dark most of the time, but it's such a beautiful darkness. Never any stupid violent gory stuff like you see in other music videos that think they are pushing the envelope or what the heck it is.